Professional processing of shoes and leather goods

We can return your products to top quality with our unique technology and proven processes. If you need to repair defects, remove contaminants or correct moisture damage, your products are in the best hands.

When time is of the essence, you can count on us.

  • Quality controlling
  • Removal of moisture damage
  • Odour and VOC removal
  • Chrome VI reduction
  • Ozone treatment
  • Removal of physical and chemical residues
  • Logistics services
  • Stain removal
  • Return service

Odour neutralisation / ozone treatment


Professional odour and mould removal

Technical disinfection is an outstanding option for odour neutralisation of textiles, leather goods, shoes and accessories.

  • Burnt smell
  • Moisture problems
  • Mouldy/musty scent
  • Mould

Quality controlling


We put details under the microscope!

  • Folds / creases
  • Soiling
  • Spots
  • Torn seams
  • Material or finishing errors
  • Size and spot checks, with documentation


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